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Installing Wamp on Windows

WAMP is an abbreviated name for the software stack Windows, Apache, MySQL, PHP. It is  derived from LAMP which stands for Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP. As the name implies, while LAMP is used on Linux servers, WAMP is used on Windows servers.  The “A” in WAMP stands for Apache.  Apache  is server software that is used to serve webpages. Whenever someone types in your WordPress website’s URL, Apache is the software that “serves” your WordPress site. The “M” in WAMP stands for MySQL.  MySQL  is a database management system. It’s job in the software stack is to store all of your website’s content, user profiles, comments, etc. The “P” in WAMP stands for PHP. PHP is the programming language that WordPress is written in. It is also the piece that holds the entire software stack together. It runs as a process in Apache and communicates with the MySQL database to dynamically build your webpages. Download the wamp for the url  http://www.wam...
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Installing/Upgrading Drush on Ubuntu

Install composer globally: $ curl - sS https : // | php $ sudo mv composer . phar / usr / local / bin / composer Install drush globally (for your user), you can specify the version:   $ composer global require drush / drush : 7 . * Add the composer path to your path (in your *.bashrc* or *.zshrc* or other): export PATH = "$HOME/.composer/vendor/bin:$PATH"   While not recommended, Drush can easily be installed on Ubuntu by using Aptitude or apt-get. If you have sudo rights the quickest way to install Drush is from the Ubuntu repository: $ sudo apt - get install drush However, the version this currently will give you is 4.5 (using Ubuntu 12.04). Newer versions have many improvements so you should use Drush to upgrade itself to the latest stable: $ sudo drush dl drush -- destination = '/usr/share' Then you can check the update has been successful by executing: $ drush -- version You could also install Drush manuall...

Installation of Drush for Drupal through composer

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How to Create a PDF file in Cakephp 2.0 using Fpdf

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