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Showing posts from April, 2015

PHP and MySQL referal guide

Use PHP Statements to Create Programs PHP programs are a series of PHP statements, executed one at a time. Here’s a list of the PHP statements (with syntax) that you use when writing PHP programs: array ( "key" =& gt ; "value" , … ); die ( "message" ); do { block } while ( condition ); echo item ; extract ( $array ); for ( startingval ; endingval ; incremnt ) { block } foreach ( $array as $key =& gt ; $value ) { block } function funcname ( value , value ,…) { block } header ( "Location: URL" ); if ( condition ) { block } elseif ( condition ) { block } else { block } number_format ( number , decimals ); session_start (); session_destroy (); switch var { case value statements break ; … } unset (); while ( condition ) { block } Communicate with a Database through PHP MySQL Functions PHP communicates with MySQL databases by using a set of functions developed specifically