Bad CakePHP Habits & How to Rectify Them! SUNDAY OCTOBER 27, 08:23 I've been thinking a lot recently about how I can best help the CakePHP community - to try to give back some of the love which I have received over the years. I have been fortunate to use CakePHP for over 5 years now, and in that time have gotten to know some key members of the CakePHP community. So, what I wanted to go over was a few bad practices which I have seen over the years and how the correct procedure should be implemented. This isn't to say my code is perfect, but as a programmer we are always learning, so it is important to follow the best practices and adjust to them as you learn them! CAKEPHP CONVENTIONS There are actually CakePHP coding conventions which should be followed. These can be viewed here . I will highlight a few things which I often notice when viewing other programmers code. 1) Control Structures. So often you see programmers get this wrong, and ...