Here for the SEO implementation we need to generate the sitemap.xml in our application which is accessed by the webmaster tool. So here i am outlined the steps to generate the Xml file . 1. Lets think we have controller by name sitemap,Inside that create an action by name sitemap and paste the following code public function sitemap(){ $this->layout='ajax'; $this->RequestHandler->respondAs('xml'); $listData = $this->Sitemap->find('all',/*Conditions if you have any*/); $this->set(compact('listData')); } I through variable $listData to render all data( Keywords,Title,Url,etc ...) that will be shown in sitemap.xml. This depends on the dynamic link what we want to show in sitemap.xml.For request handler to work include the RequestHandler component public $components = array('RequestHandler'); Step 2. Create View based on...