Use PHP Statements to Create Programs
PHP programs are a series of PHP statements, executed one at a time. Here’s a list of the PHP statements (with syntax) that you use when writing PHP programs:array ( "key" => "value", … ); die("message"); do { block } while (condition); echo item; extract($array); for (startingval; endingval;incremnt) { block } foreach( $array as $key => $value) { block } function funcname(value,value,…) { block } header("Location: URL"); if (condition) { block } elseif (condition) { block } else { block } number_format(number,decimals); session_start(); session_destroy(); switch var { case value statements break; … } unset(); while (condition) { block }
Communicate with a Database through PHP MySQL Functions
PHP communicates with MySQL databases by using a set of functions developed specifically for this purpose. This list shows the syntax of these frequently used functions.
mysqli_connect("host","accnt","passwd") mysqli_select_db($cxn, "dbname",) mysqli_query($cxn,"query") mysqli_fetch_assoc($result) mysqli_num_rows($result) mysqli_insert_id($cxn)
Make MySQL Database Changes with the ALTER Query
The ALTER query is used to change the structure of a MySQL database. This list shows the syntax for the changes you are most likely to want to make:
ADD colname definition
ALTER colname SET DEFAULT value
CHANGE colname newcolname definition
DROP colname
MODIFY colname definition
RENAME newtablename
Access and Adapt a Database with MySQL Queries
PHP communicates with MySQL databases by sending SQL queries. Here’s a list of SQL queries, with their syntax, that you can use to access, view, and alter the database:
ALTER TABLE table change CREATE DATABASE database CREATE TABLE (col def,…,PRIMARY KEY(col)) DELETE FROM tablename WHERE clause DROP database|table INSERT INTO table (col,col,…) VALUES (col,col,…) LOAD DATA INFILE ″filename″ INTO TABLE table SELECT col,col,… FROM table WHERE clause SELECT statement UNION SELECT statement SHOW DATABASES|TABLES SHOW COLUMNS FROM table UPDATE table SET col=value,… WHERE clauseKnowing the MySQL WHERE Clause Format
The WHERE clause is used to modify a DELETE, SELECT, or UPDATE SQLquery. This list shows the format you can use when writing a WHERE clause:
WHERE exp AND|OR exp AND|OR exp… where exp can be one of the following: column = value column > value column >= value column < value column <= value column BETWEEN value1 AND value2 column IN (value1,value2,…) column NOT IN (value1,value2,…) column LIKE value column NOT LIKE value
Special Characters to Use in PHP Expression Test Patterns
Regular PHP expressions use patterns to test whether the input users submit when using online forms are in the correct format. This table shows characters you can use in patterns.
Character Meaning Example Match Not a Match
^ Beginning of line ^c cat my cat $ End of line c$ tic stick . Any single character .. me, go a ? Preceding item is optional mea?n mean, men moan ( ) Groups literal characters m(ea)n mean men,mn [ ] Any character in set abc[1-3] abc1,abc2 abc4 [! ] Any character not in set m[!ea]n min, mon men, man + One or more door[1-3]+ door111, door131 door, door55 * Zero or more door[1-3]* door, door311 door4, door445 { , } Range of repetitions a{2,5} aa,aaaaa a, xx3 \ Escapes character m\*n m*n men, mean ( | | ) Alternate strings (Tom|Tommy) Tom, Tommy Thomas, To
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